Missouri Bigfoot Investigation: Preparing for Night Encounters and Evidence

Posted Sunday, March 03, 2024

By Squatchable.com staff

A recent video posted on YouTube by the channel Sasquatch Theory has caught the attention of Bigfoot enthusiasts. In the video, titled "CAMPING IN A BIGFOOT ACTIVE AREA | THEY CAME IN AND WHOOPED (MARK TWAIN NATIONAL FOREST)," the channel's host meets up with the Half-Inch Wrench Crew and other researchers to investigate Bigfoot activity in southern Missouri. The group sets up camp in an area known for multiple eyewitness sightings and nearby neighbor reports of Bigfoot activity. The terrain in this part of Missouri is filled with granite, pine trees, and Springfed Creeks, providing an abundant food source for wildlife. During the investigation, the group discovers a game camera ripped off a tree. While it's unclear whether a squirrel or a Sasquatch was responsible, the group remains hopeful that they are in the right location to capture evidence of Bigfoot. As they explore the area, they come across a possible Sasquatch track, with a larger top part than bottom part, and a little bit done right next to it. The group discusses the possibility of it being a Sasquatch track, but remains unsure due to the lack of toes. Throughout the video, the group shares their experiences and encounters with Bigfoot, including vocalizations and a tree that fell over on its own. They also discuss the challenges of capturing evidence of Bigfoot, as they often find themselves being found by Bigfoot rather than the other way around. Towards the end of the video, the group waits for other researchers, including Ozark Carry Man Steve and another Steve, to arrive. They also mention a Swatch hunting dog and discuss the possibility of using lanterns to light up the area. Overall, the video provides an interesting look into the world of Bigfoot research and the experiences of those who investigate the elusive creature. While there is no definitive evidence of Bigfoot in the video, the group's enthusiasm and passion for the subject is evident throughout. I encourage readers to watch the video and share their thoughts. Who knows, maybe the next Bigfoot sighting is just around the corner.