Bigfoot Encounter: Electrostatic Fields, Sasquatch Telepathy, and Hidden Evidence

Posted Sunday, March 03, 2024

By staff

A fascinating account of a possible Sasquatch encounter has been shared on the YouTube channel, O.R.D (The Fortean Digital Shaman). In the video titled "Henry Franzoni, 'Sasquatch & Humans are Balls of Energy,'" the witness, Henry Franzoni, recounts his experience at Skookum Lake and his subsequent involvement with the Bigfoot Research Project. Henry describes the eerie feeling that overcame him and his girlfriend as they approached the lake at midnight. A powerful electrostatic field seemed to surround them, causing Henry's hair to stand on end and his girlfriend to fall asleep instantly. The couple also noticed a terrible smell, which they believed could have been associated with the elusive Sasquatch. After this experience, Henry became part of the Bigfoot Research Project, led by Peter Byrne. The project received approximately $5 million in funding and aimed to analyze the famous Patterson film, which allegedly shows a Sasquatch. The team hired forensic scientists, including Glickman, to study the film and determine its authenticity. Henry's analysis of the Patterson film led him to believe that the creature in the video was an uncataloged animal and not a person in a gorilla suit. He points out several distinct features, such as the occipital protuberance on the back of the skull and the large gluteus maximus, which suggest that the creature is a hominid, not a primate. During his time with the Bigfoot Research Project, Henry also had the opportunity to meet people who claimed to have ongoing relationships with Sasquatch. These individuals described their experiences as friendly and reminiscent of human friendships. I am always intrigued by personal accounts and the insights they provide. I encourage our readers to watch the full video and form their own opinions. Henry's unique perspective on Sasquatch and its possible connection to humans is both thought-provoking and captivating. Excitement Level: 6 of 10. The interview with Henry Franzoni offers an interesting guest's perspective on Sasquatch and its otherworldly traits.