Van Attacked by Dogman: Escape Through a Snowy Forest

Posted Saturday, March 02, 2024

By staff

A chilling encounter with a dogman was captured on video and shared on the YouTube channel Backwoods Horror Stories. In the video, titled "Saved By A Dogman Hunter!", the witnesses describe their harrowing experience while ice fishing in Northern Ontario. As they were making their way back home, they were forced to turn around due to a tragic accident on the highway. They found themselves driving through a small hamlet, where they turned onto a narrow snowmobile road. The witnesses describe feeling uneasy as they drove through the snow tunnel, with towering snowbanks on either side. As they were trying to turn around, they spotted a small flickering flame in the distance. They approached it, only to be met with a strange and disturbing sound, unlike anything they had ever heard before. They soon realized that they were in the presence of a dogman. The creature lunged onto their van, causing them to fear for their lives. However, they were saved by a mysterious figure, who appeared out of nowhere and shot the dogman, causing it to retreat into the woods. The witnesses were left in shock, with their vehicle damaged and the dogman still on the loose. They were eventually rescued by a heavily armed stranger, who claimed to be a dogman hunter. This video is a stark reminder of the dangers that exist in the wilderness and the unpredictable nature of encounters with unknown creatures. It also highlights the importance of being prepared and having the necessary survival skills when venturing into the great outdoors. As Bigfoot believers, we must remain open-minded and continue to seek out and document any and all evidence of these elusive creatures. Who knows, one day we may encounter a dogman or Bigfoot ourselves. If you haven't already, be sure to check out the video on the Backwoods Horror Stories YouTube channel. And as always, stay Squatchable!