Family's River Encounter: Mysterious Creature in Cooperstown's Susquehanna

Posted Monday, February 26, 2024

By staff

A recent video posted on the YouTube channel Backwoods Horror Stories has caught the attention of Bigfoot enthusiasts. The video, titled "Big Brother Bigfoot" with chapters 6-8, explores various legends and sightings of mysterious creatures, some of which are believed to be related to Bigfoot. The video begins by discussing the Susana Seal, a creature said to inhabit the Susana River, which flows from ATO Lake in Cooperstown, New York, all the way down to the Chesapeake Bay. According to Indian legend, and later confirmed by discoveries during excavations in the 1900s, there were once Giants who roamed these lands, some with horns. The legend doesn't stop at bones, as there have been many recent sightings of mysterious creatures along the river. One such creature is the Windigo, a being that suffers from starvation no matter how much meat it consumes. The creature is said to have an insatiable appetite, making it a mercy to kill one, as living with the Windigo is worse than dancing with the devil himself. The video also explores the Celtic myth of the Sky Folk, seals that can become human in Scotland. The seal skin holds magical abilities to shapeshift, and without it, the being is unable to transform. There are many stories of human and selkie encounters, with witnesses comparing the Wana, a seal, to a feared cryptid down under. The Bunyip, a creature from Aboriginal tribal mythology, is also discussed. The creature is known for hunting humans and large animals, with a taste for children, women, and foreigners. There are many children's books and at least nine different tribal variations of this mythical creature, with newspapers reporting that the Bunyip had a head of a crocodile, dark fur, and the tail of a horse. The video features a personal account from a witness who saw a creature near Cooper's town for the Dreams Park baseball tournament. The witness described the creature as long, slender, and grayish-black, like a dolphin, and seemed to be a blend of a marine animal and a horned species. Overall, the video is an interesting exploration of various legends and sightings of mysterious creatures, some of which are believed to be related to Bigfoot. I encourage our readers to watch the video and share their thoughts with us.