Hiker Encounters Mysterious Bigfoot Prints, Hears Strange Knocks in Ohio
Posted Friday, February 23, 2024
By Squatchable.com staff
A recent video posted on YouTube by The CameraMan has caught the attention of Bigfoot enthusiasts and researchers. In the video, titled "The Return of Flatlands Big Foot," The CameraMan takes us on a journey through a flatland area in Northeast Ohio, where he believes Bigfoot may be returning now that the weather is getting warmer.
As he hikes through the private land, The CameraMan shares his knowledge and experience with tracking and observing Bigfoot. He explains that during the fall of last year, he and his team stayed in the area for six hours but didn't get any sightings. However, they have documented evidence that Bigfoot tends to leave flat and open areas during the winter.
The CameraMan then discovers a large footprint with what appears to be five toes, which he measures to be 17 by 8 inches. He expresses his excitement and confusion over the print, as he can't find any more indentations or signs of other toes. He also shares his concern about the possibility of Bigfoot being on the menu for hungry animals coming out of hibernation.
Throughout the video, The CameraMan shares his observations of the area, including standing water and trails that he believes Bigfoot would take. He also drops gifts, such as apples, along the way to attract Bigfoot.
As he continues his hike, The CameraMan hears strange noises and feels like something is following him. He also notices an airplane circling overhead, which he finds odd. Despite these distractions, he remains focused on his mission and keeps exploring the area.
Towards the end of the video, The CameraMan discovers more large footprints and sets up a trail cam to capture any activity. He encourages viewers to watch the video and share their thoughts in the comments section.
This video is a great example of the dedication and passion that Bigfoot enthusiasts and researchers have for their field. The CameraMan's expertise and knowledge add value to the video, making it an interesting and informative watch for anyone interested in Bigfoot. So, grab some popcorn, sit back, and enjoy the journey through Flatlands Big Foot territory.