Hunter Recalls Encounter with a 6-Foot Sasquatch in British Columbia, 1955

Posted Thursday, February 22, 2024

By staff

A fascinating account of a possible Sasquatch encounter has recently surfaced on YouTube, and it's definitely worth a watch for any serious Bigfoot enthusiast. The video, posted by the channel Squatch-D TV, features a sworn affidavit from a man named William Roe, who claims to have had a close encounter with a female Sasquatch in 1955. Roe, who was a skilled hunter and trapper, had been working on a highways project near the town of Tete Jaune Cache in British Columbia. One day, he decided to hike up Mica Mountain to an old abandoned mine. As he approached the mine, he saw what he initially thought was a grizzly bear in the bushes on the other side of a clearing. However, as the creature came closer, he realized that it was not a bear, but something much more extraordinary. According to Roe's affidavit, the creature was about 6 feet tall, almost 3 feet wide, and weighed around 300 pounds. It was covered in dark brown, silver-tipped hair, and had a straight torso, thick arms, and broad feet. Roe noted that the creature's head resembled that of a Negro, with a broad and flat nose, protruding lips and chin, and small nose and ears. However, the hair covering its face and head made it appear more animal-like than human. Roe observed the creature for several minutes as it ate leaves and stripped branches with its teeth. He was close enough to see that its teeth were white and even, and that its eyes were small and black like a bear's. Eventually, the creature seemed to notice Roe's presence, and looked at him with a mixture of amazement and curiosity. Roe initially considered shooting the creature, but ultimately decided against it, feeling that it was a human being. The creature then made a peculiar noise, which Roe described as a half-laugh and half-language, before disappearing into the woods. Roe searched the area for signs of the creature's diet and living habits, but found no evidence of tool use or fire-making. He concluded that the creature was likely a vegetarian, and that it was possibly a Sasquatch. Roe's affidavit is a fascinating account of a possible Sasquatch encounter, and it's definitely worth a watch for anyone interested in the subject. While we may never know for sure whether Roe's account is true, it's a compelling piece of evidence that adds to the mystery and allure of the Sasquatch legend. So be sure to check out the video on Squatch-D TV, and let us know what you think!