Albert Ostman's Famous Bigfoot Encounter: A Firsthand Account

Posted Thursday, February 22, 2024

By staff

In a recent video from the Age of Radio YouTube channel, the topic of discussion is the Albert Ostman encounter, a highly regarded and well-known Bigfoot encounter that took place in 1924. The video features a reading of a discussion from John Green's book "Sasquatch: The Apes Among Us," where Green interviews Ostman about his experience. Ostman, who had a background in logging and construction, decided to take a vacation and search for a lost gold mine in British Columbia. He hired an old Indian to take him to the head of Toba Inlet, where he set up camp. It was during this time that Ostman first heard of the Sasquatch from the Indian, who described them as "big people living in the mountains." At this point in the video, I am at a level 6 excitement. The idea of a Bigfoot encounter is always thrilling, but the fact that this encounter is one of the most famous and well-known ones makes it even more intriguing. One day, Ostman decided to hike up into the mountains to look for a pass. He climbed to an elevation of over 3,000 feet and set up camp. It was on the third night of his trip that things took a turn. Ostman heard strange noises outside of his tent and soon found himself face-to-face with a Sasquatch. The Sasquatch grabbed Ostman's tent and attempted to pull him out, but Ostman was able to fend it off with his rifle. The Sasquatch eventually gave up and left, but not before leaving behind footprints that were over 2 feet long. The video does a great job of presenting the details of Ostman's encounter in a clear and concise manner. It's easy to see why this encounter is considered one of the most famous and well-known Bigfoot encounters of all time. I would highly recommend checking out the video for yourself and learning more about Ostman's incredible experience.