Joe Snider's Bigfoot Journey: Discovering Friendship and Forest Appreciation

Posted Tuesday, February 20, 2024

By staff

In a recent video from the YouTube channel Squatch-D TV, hosts Steve KS and Chris Bennett are joined by guest co-host Joe Snider from the Western New York Bigfoot investigation group. The trio discuss the positive impact that Bigfoot has had on their lives, focusing on the sense of community and friendship that comes from being part of the Bigfoot research community. Joe Snider shares how Bigfoot has enriched his life by introducing him to a wide network of like-minded individuals, many of whom he now counts as close friends. He reflects on how lonely his research was before he became part of this community, and how the fascination and mystery of Bigfoot has given him a new appreciation for the forest and the great outdoors. Steve KS and Chris Bennett echo Joe's sentiments, talking about how Bigfoot research has brought them together and allowed them to form strong bonds with people from all walks of life. They also discuss how the pursuit of Bigfoot has given them a new perspective on the wilderness and the creatures that inhabit it. As a Bigfoot believer and curator of Squatchable, I am always excited to see the sense of community and camaraderie that comes from being part of the Bigfoot research community. It's heartening to see how this shared passion can bring people together and enrich their lives in so many ways. If you're interested in learning more about the positive impact that Bigfoot can have on your life, be sure to check out the full video from Squatch-D TV. And as always, happy Squatching!