New York's Enigmatic Sasquatch: Tracks, Eyewitnesses, and Real Evidence

Posted Tuesday, February 20, 2024

By staff

A new video posted on YouTube by the channel "Keeping it Real" has caught the attention of Bigfoot enthusiasts and researchers. The video, titled "Tribute to Bill Brann," explores the mysterious creature lurking in the woods of Upstate New York. The video starts off by discussing the history of Bigfoot sightings in the region, with over 140 to 150 different sightings reported. The video features interviews with witnesses, including a police officer, who have claimed to have seen the elusive monster. These witnesses have undergone lie detector tests, which the video claims are infallible, to validate their sightings. The video then goes on to discuss the work of local researcher Bill Brann, who has been investigating and monitoring the movement and behavior of the creature for over 30 years. Brann believes that the region's ecology, which includes vast wilderness areas, provides the perfect habitat for the creature. One of the most compelling pieces of evidence presented in the video is a photograph of a footprint, which Bill Brann believes to be that of a Bigfoot. The print, which measures 14 inches in length, shows clear signs of a heavy object having walked through the area, with the leaves and grass matted down. Researcher Dr. John Bagle, who has spent the last 30 years studying evidence like this, meets up with Brann to examine the print. The video also features an interview with retired White Hall police officer Brian Goslin, who had a face-to-face encounter with the creature in 1976. Goslin describes the creature as being 7-8 feet tall and 400 pounds, with a hairy body and hands, not paws. I am always excited to see new evidence and witness accounts of the mysterious creature. This video, with its wealth of information and compelling evidence, is definitely worth a watch. I encourage all Bigfoot enthusiasts to check it out and share their thoughts. It's good to note that while the video presents some interesting evidence and witness accounts, it is ultimately up to each individual to decide what they believe. At Squatchable, we respect all opinions and encourage open-mindedness and critical thinking when it comes to the topic of Bigfoot. Wrapping up, the "Tribute to Bill Brann" video is a must-watch for any Bigfoot enthusiast. The video provides a wealth of information and evidence, as well as first-hand accounts from witnesses and researchers. Whether you're a believer or skeptic, this video is sure to leave you intrigued and wanting to learn more.