Alaskan Woman's Encounter: Mysterious Bigfoot on Her Property
Posted Monday, February 19, 2024
By staff
A fascinating account from Alaska has recently surfaced on the YouTube channel Cryptids Canada, and it's one that Bigfoot believers won't want to miss. The witness, who goes by the nickname Cookie, shares her experiences of living on a piece of land in Alaska with her ex-husband Jack, and the strange occurrences that led her to believe that a Bigfoot was protecting her.
Cookie describes how things would often be moved or left on their motorhome steps, and how she now believes that a Bigfoot was responsible for these odd happenings. After she and Jack separated and divorced, Cookie continued to live in the cabin they had built together, and it was then that the strange occurrences ramped up.
One day, while out for a walk, Cookie saw a large dark tree in a marshy field that she didn't recall being there before. She describes it as an extremely large man in a Ghillie suit, standing at no less than 7 feet tall. Cookie was heavily armed at the time, but when she turned around to look again, the tree had disappeared.
Cookie heard odd sounds coming from different places around the cabin, and saw a black figure skulking around from window to window. She initially thought it was a bear, but soon realized that it was something much more interesting. Cookie also saw a large black hair-covered man running through the woods, and heard what sounded like a mountain lion kitten.
Cookie's experiences are a reminder that Bigfoot sightings can happen anywhere, even in our own backyards. Her story is a fascinating addition to the wealth of Bigfoot evidence out there, and it's definitely worth a watch. So grab some popcorn, settle in, and enjoy the video on Cryptids Canada's YouTube channel. And who knows, maybe you'll be inspired to share your own Bigfoot encounter.