New and Classic Bigfoot Encounters: Unveiling Mysterious Sightings in North America
Posted Sunday, February 18, 2024
By staff
Bigfoot sightings and footage have been a topic of fascination for many, and the YouTube channel "Most Amazing Elite" has compiled a list of some of the most compelling videos and images of the elusive creature.
First on the list is a video from 1967, taken in Northern California, which is said to have started the Bigfoot craze. The video shows a figure walking in a wooded area, and despite numerous attempts to debunk it, it remains one of the most famous pieces of Bigfoot footage.
Next is a video from Provo Canyon, Utah, taken in 2012. A group of siblings were hiking when they spotted something in the woods and began filming. They initially thought it was a bear, but upon seeing it stand up on its two legs, they became frightened and ran out of the area.
Another recent sighting in Wisconsin is also included in the list. A woman was driving down a road in the early morning when she spotted a large figure of a man walking in the woods. She described it as having large legs and being covered in hair, and she was convinced it was a Sasquatch.
A video from 2007, taken in Alony National Forest in Pennsylvania, shows what appears to be Bigfoot in a photograph taken by a motion-sensor camera. Skeptics believe it is an image of a sick bear, but the way it is hunched over with its back leg extended makes it look like Bigfoot.
Another video from Provo Canyon, Utah, taken in 2013, shows a large dark furry creature digging out the stump of a dead tree. The cameraman, Josh Highcliffe, was convinced that this was not a bear and decided to get out of there.
A story shared on Reddit by user Bigfoot Watcher, from 9 years back, tells of a sighting in a backyard bordered by woods. The user's boyfriend saw two eyes staring back at him about 9 ft off the ground, and described the figure as having arms and shoulders, and walking on legs.
A nighttime video from an unknown location, shows a big hairy Sasquatch creature with a really creepy looking face. The creature blinks and trudges back into the trees, leaving the people filming in a state of shock.
A video from Whitmore, California, from September 2018, shows a tall hairy creature, dark brown with some gray along the back shoulders, walking on two legs and crossing the road. The witness, who was driving with his 11-month-old son in the back seat, was terrified.
A video from 2012, taken in Provo Canyon, Utah, shows what was initially thought to be a bear, but upon standing up, it became clear that it was not. The creature is described as being very wide, with disproportionate human-like features.
Lastly, the Harley Hoffman footage, taken in Washington state, shows a solid piece of footage of Bigfoot. The creature is seen walking in the forest, and despite some shaky camera work, it is clear that it is not a person in a costume.
These videos and images serve as evidence for many that Bigfoot exists, and for others, they remain a mystery. Whether you believe in Bigfoot or not, these videos are definitely worth a watch.