Three Chilling Bigfoot Encounters in Louisiana, Alaska, and Maine

Posted Sunday, February 18, 2024

By staff

A new video posted on the YouTube channel Ontario Cryptids has caught the attention of Bigfoot enthusiasts and researchers. The video, titled "It Was Standing Next To Our Chicken Coop!", features a series of encounters with what appears to be a Sasquatch. The first encounter took place in Sabine Parish, Louisiana in 2003. The witness, who is also a hunter, describes seeing a creature that was around 8 to 9 feet tall with dark hair covering its body. The creature was standing next to a small building and seemed to get upset when the witness didn't run away. The witness describes the creature's shoulder span as being around four to five feet wide, indicating that it was a large male. The second encounter took place in Prince of Wales County, Alaska in 2004. A woman's daughter called her in a state of terror, saying that she could hear and see something big and black outside her bedroom window. The witness went to check it out and described the creature as being around 7 to 8 feet tall. The third encounter took place in Aroostook County, Maine in 2023. A big storm had blown in and knocked out power to the witness's home. When the witness was shining a flashlight outside, they saw a dark silhouette standing in front of their chicken coop. The witness describes the creature as being very muscular with broad shoulders and long upper arms. The witness also mentions hearing a guttural sound that caused a physical reaction, with their heart starting to race and their stomach going into knots. The witness's youngest daughter also had a similar experience, feeling like she was being watched and hearing the same guttural sound. These encounters are a reminder of the continued presence of Sasquatch in North America and the importance of documenting and sharing these experiences. The video is a must-watch for anyone interested in the subject and serves as a valuable contribution to the field of Bigfoot research. I encourage our readers to watch the video and share their thoughts with us. Who knows, your encounter story may be the next one featured on the Ontario Cryptids YouTube channel. Remember, Sasquatch is not a myth, it is a reality and it is our responsibility to document and share these encounters to help bring awareness and understanding to this elusive creature.