Sasquatch Relationships, Food Gifts & Biblical Giants: New Insights
Posted Saturday, February 17, 2024
By staff
In a recent video from the YouTube channel The J&J Show, hosts Jeff and Jerry delve into the topic of habituation and its role in the world of cryptids. Habituation refers to the development of relationships between people or families and cryptids, often spanning multiple generations. The relationship is typically established through the act of gifting, where food or other items are left out for the cryptids.
Jeff and Jerry discuss the idea that habituation seems to only occur with Sasquatch, and not with other cryptids such as dogmen or crawlers. They share stories of individuals who have had positive experiences with Sasquatch, but note that these relationships can quickly turn sour if the gifting is stopped.
One particularly chilling story comes from the Britain Solin show, where a woman who had been leaving meat out for Sasquatch suddenly stopped and was subsequently dragged off into the woods by the creatures, never to be seen again. The hosts emphasize that these stories are not isolated incidents, but have been reported for many years in various locations.
The video also touches on the idea of people becoming overly attached to Sasquatch, sometimes to the point of worship. This is seen in the case of the "Sasquatch Ontario" YouTube channel, where the host has recorded vocal interactions with a Sasquatch he has named "The Squatch."
I encourage readers to check out this video for a deeper dive into the topic of habituation and its role in the world of cryptids. It's always fascinating to hear different perspectives and stories on the subject.