Unraveling Bigfoot's Origins: The JW Burns Story and a Sighting Account
Posted Wednesday, February 14, 2024
By Squatchable.com staff
A new video has been making the rounds on YouTube, and I couldn't wait to share it with our readers. The video, posted by the YouTube channel BIGFOOT! / William Jevning, features a breakdown of an article written by J.W. Burns about the Sasquatch, a creature that has long been a subject of fascination for many.
The video begins with the host, William Jevning, discussing the origins of the name "Sasquatch." According to Jevning, the name was coined in the 1920s by J.W. Burns, who wrote numerous articles about the creatures for Vancouver papers. The name is believed to be a mispronunciation of an Indian word, and has since become widely used to describe the mysterious creature.
Jevning goes on to discuss Burns' time spent as a teacher on the chahalis reserve, where he heard many stories about encounters with the Harry Giants from local Indians. These stories, which date back over 100 years, helped to make Sasquatch a household name.
One particularly thrilling account comes from Peter Williams, an Indian who lived on the shealers Reserve. Peter claims to have had a close encounter with a giant, 6 and 1/2 ft tall creature covered in hair. The creature, which Peter describes as having a piercing yell, chased him through the brush and undergrowth towards the Chahalis river.
Despite the passage of time, the Sasquatch remains a mystery, with many people still searching for definitive proof of its existence. Jevning's video serves as a reminder of the rich history and folklore surrounding this elusive creature, and is sure to intrigue anyone with an interest in the unknown.
If you're interested in learning more, be sure to check out the full video on YouTube. And as always, keep an eye out for any signs of Sasquatch activity in your own backyard!