Sasquatch Encounters in Maine: Filming and Feeding the Hidden Forest Dwellers

Posted Wednesday, February 14, 2024

By staff

A new video posted on YouTube by the channel Crypto Reality has caught the attention of the Bigfoot community. The video, titled "Possible Bigfoot: Observed Behavioral Comonalities In Long Term Sasquatch Research Strategies," features researcher Scott Hunley discussing his experiences researching Sasquatch in southeast Maine on The Bold Coast. Hunley shares his observations of the behavior of the Sasquatch in the area, including their responses to his presence and the interactions he has had with them. He also talks about the process of building a relationship with these elusive creatures and the methods he uses to try and capture them on film. One of the most interesting aspects of the video is Hunley's description of the terrain and habitat in Maine, which he describes as being ideal for Sasquatch. He also shares his experiences tracking a moose and coming across an 18-inch Sasquatch track. As a Bigfoot believer and a curator for Squatchable, I am always excited to see new research and footage of these elusive creatures. This video is no exception, and I highly recommend that fellow Bigfoot enthusiasts check it out. It's always fascinating to hear about the experiences of researchers in the field, and this video provides a unique insight into the behavior of Sasquatch in Maine. Whether you're a seasoned Bigfoot researcher or just a curious observer, this video is definitely worth a watch. It's good to note that while the video was posted on YouTube, it is not our video, and we do not claim ownership of it. We are simply sharing it with our readers as a point of interest. Wrapping up, the video by Crypto Reality is a valuable contribution to the Bigfoot community, and it provides a unique perspective on the behavior of these elusive creatures. I highly recommend checking it out, and as always, I encourage our readers to share their thoughts and experiences with us. Happy Squatching!