Mysterious 7-Foot Humanoid in Rochester Catacombs: Bigfoot Connection?

Posted Wednesday, February 14, 2024

By staff

A new video has surfaced on YouTube, shedding light on an urban legend from Rochester, New York. The video, posted by the channel Mother Baltimore, tells the tale of the Rochester Rautman, a being said to inhabit the city's hidden catacombs. According to the video, the Illuminati constructed a network of catacombs beneath Upstate New York in the late 1800s, with the epicenter located directly under Rochester. It was here that they practiced dark occult rituals, including an attempt to summon dark spirits in order to dethrone God himself. The creature forced into this role was the Rautman, a pale, 7-foot-tall humanoid with sharp fangs and claws. The Rautman is said to produce a vile black milk-like substance that either destroys or converts those who come into contact with it. The cult of Rautman reportedly began abducting people in the 1940s, using hired goons to either sacrifice or convert them. The homeless population living in the connected sewage tunnels also tell tales of groups of disturbed individuals raiding their camps at night, dragging people deep into the tunnels never to be seen again. Despite official dismissals by local authorities, independent investigative efforts have been made to uncover the truth behind the reported abductions and disturbances. However, these efforts have only yielded fragmented results. The few who have resurfaced after being abducted by the cult of Rautman are said to be locked in a type of permanent psychosis, longing to return to the Labyrinth to pay homage to their unwilling God. This video is certainly intriguing and adds to the many stories and legends surrounding the existence of mysterious beings such as the Rautman. While it is unclear if there is any truth to the tale, it is always fascinating to explore the unknown and consider the possibility of otherworldly beings. If you're interested in learning more about the Rochester Rautman, be sure to check out the video on Mother Baltimore's YouTube channel. And as always, keep an open mind and stay curious. Who knows what secrets and mysteries the world holds?