Hunter's Encounter with 8-Foot Black Bigfoot in Montana Wilderness
Posted Wednesday, February 14, 2024
By staff
A woman from northwest Montana recently had a close encounter with a large male Bigfoot while bow hunting in 2016. Donna, the woman in question, described the creature as being at least 8 feet tall and all black with shiny hair. According to her account, the Bigfoot threw a rock at her and later shook trees in a clearing about 75 yards away from her.
Donna also mentioned that she has heard the Bigfoot in the area, breaking trees and leaving mushrooms and twisted grass in specific locations. She has even left food out for them and found gifts in return, indicating that they are not hostile.
The YouTube channel Rocky Mountain Sasquatch reached out to Donna to gather more information about her encounter. Donna mentioned that she has a cast of a footprint from the female Bigfoot and has heard them in the area multiple times. She also shared that her game camera captured only elk in the field and nothing near the rock where she left the food.
This encounter is particularly interesting as it provides evidence that Bigfoot are territorial and may leave gifts in return for food offerings. It's also worth noting that Donna has had multiple encounters in the same area, suggesting that it may be a regular habitat for the creatures.
While the video does not provide any visual evidence of the Bigfoot, Donna's account is compelling and adds to the body of evidence supporting the existence of these elusive creatures.
If you're interested in learning more about Donna's encounter, be sure to check out the full video on the Rocky Mountain Sasquatch YouTube channel. And as always, keep your eyes and ears open for any signs of Bigfoot in your own outdoor adventures!