Investigator's First Sasquatch Encounter: Knocks and Thrown Rocks in Tera State Park

Posted Tuesday, February 13, 2024

By staff

In a recent video from the YouTube channel Eerie Travels, host Mark and his team interview Mike Familant, a Sasquatch investigator who has traveled far and wide in search of the elusive creature. The interview takes place on Valentine's Day, a day that holds a special significance for Sasquatch enthusiasts, as it is believed that Bigfoot has expressed a desire to meet human women. Mike shares his origin story, explaining that he was first introduced to the world of Sasquatch hunting while watching Finding Bigfoot on TV. Intrigued, he signed up for an expedition in North Florida, where he was supposed to camp with a group of people. However, his fiance at the time discovered his plans and the two broke up before the trip. Undeterred, Mike convinced one of his partners from the ambulance, Jimmy, to join him on the expedition. During their final night at the camp, Mike and Jimmy heard a series of knocks and tree bangs, which they initially dismissed as hoaxes. But when a fist-sized rock landed near their campfire, they knew something was amiss. Over the next 15 minutes, four more rocks were thrown in their direction, with the final one being a 15-pound boulder that landed just five feet away from them. The next morning, Mike and Jimmy asked around to see if anyone else had heard or seen anything, but no one had. They did some measurements and determined that the rock-throwing creature had been about 75 yards away from their campfire. Mike's story is a fascinating account of a close encounter with a Sasquatch, and it's just one of many that can be found on the Eerie Travels YouTube channel. If you're a Bigfoot believer, it's definitely worth checking out.