Bigfoot: Endangered Legend - New Sasquatch Confessions Podcast & Images

Posted Tuesday, February 13, 2024

By staff

A new video has been making the rounds in the Bigfoot community, and it's definitely worth a watch. The video, posted on the YouTube channel Sasquatch.Confessions, features Brian Bland of the Pork N Beans show discussing his experiences and thoughts on Sasquatch. In the video, Bland talks about the Pacific Northwest being blessed with Sasquatch, comparing them to the yeti or abominable snowman of the Himalayas. He mentions the discovery of evidence such as footprints, hair samples, and even strange odors that have been attributed to Sasquatch. Bland also discusses the idea that Sasquatch may be an endangered species, and the importance of preserving their habitat. He touches on the skepticism surrounding the existence of Sasquatch, stating that he doesn't claim to know the truth, but is searching for it. One of the most interesting parts of the video is when Bland discusses some new images discovered by the Sasquatch Seekers. He analyzes the images and points out what he believes to be multiple Sasquatch in the background. The resemblance to known Sasquatch is uncanny, with similar facial features and build. Overall, the video is a fascinating look into the world of Sasquatch and the ongoing search for the truth about their existence. It's definitely worth a watch for any Bigfoot enthusiast. You can check out the video for yourself on the Sasquatch.Confessions YouTube channel.