Unveiling Bigfoot Camouflage: Mullets, Mulch, and Mysterious Sightings
Posted Saturday, February 10, 2024
By Squatchable.com staff
A recent video posted on YouTube by the channel Crypto Reality has caught the attention of the Bigfoot community. In the video, the hosts discuss the similarities between mullet and Bigfoot, using the fish as a model to explain how the elusive creatures' camouflage is completely natural.
The video begins with the hosts observing a group of mullet in a shaded area, where the fish appear to be different colors due to the diffusion of light. They explain that this diffusion is similar to the forest, where Bigfoot are able to blend in and disappear by receiving and retransmitting colors.
As the hosts continue to observe the mullet, one fish suddenly flashes its true coloration, revealing its acromatic (colorless) body. The hosts point out that this is similar to Bigfoot, who are believed to have white skin and clear hair, allowing them to change colors as they move through the forest.
The hosts then share footage from their camp at Camp Crypto Reality, where they were able to document a creature outside their campsite. The creature is heavily diffused and the camera has trouble picking it up, but the hosts are able to see its eye shine and describe it as a "big giant monkey hybrid."
The video also features footage from the John C and Mariana Jones Hungryland Wildlife Environmental Management Area, where the host captures what he believes to be a Bigfoot on film. The creature is not brightly lit and blends in with its surroundings, leading the host to speculate about its thermal signature and the limitations of modern thermal cameras.
I am always excited to see new footage and perspectives on these elusive creatures. The Crypto Reality video offers an interesting take on Bigfoot camouflage and the difficulties in capturing them on film. I encourage all Bigfoot enthusiasts to check out the video and share their thoughts.