Exploring Native Sasquatch Lore: Bigfoot Across America

Posted Thursday, February 08, 2024

By Squatchable.com staff

In a recent video from The Paranorm Girl Podcast, host Kristen explores the widespread nature of Bigfoot sightings across the United States. She notes the similarities in descriptions of the creature from various Native American tribes, as well as modern-day sightings. Kristen begins by discussing the Matlock, a creature from the Pacific Northwest and British Columbia described as a large, monstrous being with black bristles, sharp fangs, and long arms and toes. She then compares this to a sighting from 150 years later in the same area, where a man named Melat Harry reported being kidnapped by a Sasquatch-like creature and taken to a gathering of others. The video also touches on other states with local Sasquatch lore, such as Alabama and Florida. In Alabama, a wild man was reported to be seen along Uchi Creek and in a field, while in Florida, a similarly described creature was spotted near Oesi Pond. However, it was later discovered that these creatures were actually wild humans with excessive hair growth due to a rare disease called hypotrichosis. Kristen emphasizes the importance of considering the possibility of encounters with actual humans when piecing together the historical puzzle of Sasquatch. She encourages the use of critical thinking when evaluating these stories and suggests setting aside those that can be explained by human encounters. I encourage our readers to watch the video and consider the similarities in descriptions of Bigfoot from various areas and cultures. It's fascinating to see how widespread these sightings are and how consistent the descriptions are, despite the vast distances and cultural differences between these regions. It's good to keep an open mind and consider all possibilities when it comes to Sasquatch. While some stories may turn out to be explainable by human encounters, there are still many that remain unexplained and warrant further investigation. Overall, this video is a great reminder of the widespread nature of Bigfoot sightings and the importance of considering all possibilities when evaluating these stories. As Bigfoot believers, it's our duty to keep an open mind and continue investigating and documenting these sightings.