Vietnam War Soldiers' Encounters: The Enigmatic Rock Apes of Dong Den Mountain
Posted Thursday, February 08, 2024
By staff
Intriguing Reports of Rock Apes in Vietnam from the Vietnam War Era
Have you ever heard of the Rock Apes of Vietnam? If not, you're in for a treat. These mysterious creatures have been reported by American soldiers during the Vietnam War, and their stories are nothing short of fascinating. I recently came across a video on YouTube that detailed these accounts, and I couldn't wait to share them with our readers.
According to the video, Southern Vietnam is home to a Bigfoot-like primate that exhibits human-like behavior, but has yet to be formally identified by mainstream science. The locals in Vietnam call it the Batutut or Nun AKA people of the forest or jungle, while American soldiers in the Vietnam War called them Rock Apes. These creatures are usually described as 4 to 6 ft tall and strongly built with long limbs and protruding stomachs covered in reddish-brown hair. They were said to live in troops or groups rather than hanging out alone like we usually hear about Bigfoot doing.
One of the hot spots for Rock Ape activity was around Dong Den Mountain, which is 2900 ft above sea level and provides a great vantage point of the area including the city of Danang which is about 5 miles Southeast of the mountain. Strategically important area as they say. In 1966, the third Marines had erected a divisional Outpost Landing Zone and radio relay station on the mountain. The Marines also reported attacks by unidentified animals who threw rocks into the compound, even injuring some Marines, and it happened on multiple occasions.
The first Recon Battalion Association online describes an incident that occurred in 1966 when a marine unit reported to their captain that they had spotted movement in the brush which they assumed was being caused by the enemy Viet Kong. The captain told his unit over the radio not to fire, not long after the unit reported back that they were actually surrounded by hairy bipedal humanoid creatures. The captain told the unit that rather than firing on the creatures they should instead throw rocks, but that didn't go so great because the creatures began throwing rocks back at them. They say at this point the Marines guessed that there were hundreds of these creatures, and the Marines then started using their bayonets on the creatures, and the captain heard an epic battle over the radio. When the dust cleared, they found injured but not dead Marines and also allegedly the bodies of several Rock Apes. This became known as the Battle of Dong Den and it sort of spurs the legend of this creature if you will, at least for stories from US troops during the Vietnam war.
There are many more accounts of Rock Ape sightings and encounters by US soldiers during the Vietnam War. These stories are a fascinating glimpse into the mysterious world of cryptozoology and the possibility of undiscovered primates. If you're interested in learning more about these creatures and the soldiers who encountered them, I highly recommend checking out the video on YouTube. And as always, keep an open mind and stay Squatchable!
Excitement level: 7 out of 10. The stories of Rock Apes are intriguing and add a new layer to the Bigfoot mythos. The fact that these creatures were reported by American soldiers during the Vietnam War gives the accounts a level of credibility that is hard to ignore. The video on YouTube is well-researched and provides a wealth of information on the subject. I can't wait to see what else is out there when it comes to Rock Apes!