Teen Hunter's Shocking Encounters with a Pair of Sasquatches in West Virginia

Posted Wednesday, February 07, 2024

By Squatchable.com staff

A fascinating account of a possible Sasquatch encounter has recently surfaced on YouTube, and it's definitely worth a watch for any Bigfoot enthusiast. The witness, who remains unnamed, describes their experience in chilling detail, leaving viewers to decide for themselves whether or not they believe the story. The encounter took place in West Virginia in 1984, when the witness was just 16 years old. They were deer hunting on the last day of the season, and had been sitting near a group of boulders for some time when they heard the sound of three does running towards them. However, there was no buck in sight, and instead, the witness saw a 7.5 to 8-foot-tall creature covered in dark auburn hair emerge from behind the boulders. The creature, which the witness describes as having long hair hanging off its arms and legs, as well as a "chocolate type skin" on its hands and face, seemed surprised to see the witness and began to growl at them. The witness, who had a rifle with them, pulled back the hammer and prepared to defend themselves. Thankfully, the creature eventually ran back towards the boulders and disappeared from sight. But the encounter didn't end there. As the witness was walking back to their father's vehicle, they heard a scream that shook them to their core. They quickly got into the vehicle and told their father that they needed to go home. The witness's father, who had also had his own Sasquatch encounter years earlier, believed his child and warned them not to tell their mother or grandmother about the encounter, as it could jeopardize their ability to hunt in the future. Years later, in 2006, the witness had another strange encounter while visiting their parents' property in West Tennessee. This time, they saw what they describe as a "brown spider" with four legs and a face like a chimpanzee, as well as another creature that was half its size and completely covered in dark hair. The witness admits that they initially dismissed this encounter as their mind playing tricks on them, but they can no longer ignore the strange experiences they've had. I found this witness's account to be both chilling and captivating. While we may never know for sure whether or not the witness truly encountered a Sasquatch, their story is a reminder of the mysterious and unexplained creatures that may still be lurking in the woods. If you're interested in watching the full video and hearing the witness's account for yourself, be sure to check it out on The Cryptid and Paranormal Channel's YouTube page. And as always, keep an open mind and stay Squatchable!