Possible Sasquatch Spotted in Wasatch Front Mountains: New Footage Analysis

Posted Wednesday, February 07, 2024

By Squatchable.com staff

A thrilling video has recently surfaced on YouTube, showcasing a mysterious figure traversing a snow-covered mountain peak in the Wasatch Front Mountain Range. The video was sent to the YouTube channel Matrix64 by a viewer named John, who captured the footage using a spotting telescope and a camera. The individuals who filmed the video were located in the valley, 4,200 feet below the peak where the creature was spotted. Despite the distance and the deep snow, they were able to zoom in and capture the figure moving quickly and effortlessly up the steep, snow-swept mountain side. To give some perspective, the video compares the movement of the mysterious figure to that of a man hiking in 18 inches of snow. The difference is striking, with the figure appearing to move with ease and speed, unlike the man who is struggling to make his way through the snow. The video has sparked a lot of discussion and debate within the Bigfoot community. Some believe that the figure could be a Sasquatch, while others are not so sure. Regardless of what the figure is, the video is a fascinating glimpse into the mysterious and elusive world of these creatures. The YouTube channel Matrix64 has also shared a clip of a helicopter pilot flying over the Wasatch Front Mountain Range, searching for evidence of the mysterious figure. While the pilot did not find any concrete evidence, they did discover a trackway that is consistent with most credible Bigfoot trackways. As a Bigfoot believer and a curator for Squatchable, I am excited to see the continued interest and discussion surrounding this video. It is a reminder of the mystery and intrigue that surrounds these creatures and the world they inhabit. I encourage all of our readers to watch the video and share their thoughts and opinions with us. In the meantime, let's keep on squatching and exploring the world of Bigfoot!