Beginning the Bigfoot Quest: Exploring a Swamp in Billingham, Washington

Posted Wednesday, February 07, 2024

By staff

A new video from the YouTube channel Sean's Sasquatch Quest has caught the attention of Bigfoot enthusiasts. In the video, titled "PNW Sasquatch Quest: Episode 11," Sean takes us on his latest expedition in search of the elusive creature. Sean begins his quest by hiking 2.5 miles up a road and trail before venturing off-trail to explore the area. He comes across a small mountain swamp, which adds to the habitat variability and suitability of the area. Sean explains that if the habitat is good enough for black bears, it could also be suitable for Sasquatches. Throughout the video, Sean shares his knowledge of the various plant and mushroom species he encounters. He takes the time to thoroughly photograph and document each species to properly identify them and learn about their nutritional and medicinal values for both humans and wildlife. During this particular expedition, Sean documents two species: dull Oregon grape and Western swordfern. As the sun sets, Sean begins his hike back to the trail head, taking multiple panoramic landscape photos to visually document the area's landscape. He also photographs scats he finds on the road, including one from a medium-sized predator and plenty of deer scat. Sean's passion for Sasquatch research is evident as he takes his time to explore the area and document his findings. He emphasizes that good Sasquatch research takes time and that he is just at the beginning of his quest. For those interested in Sasquatch research, this video is definitely worth a watch. Sean's attention to detail and knowledge of the subject make for an informative and engaging video. Who knows, maybe his findings will bring us one step closer to proving the existence of Bigfoot.