Kristen's Paranorm Girl Podcast: New Season Unearthing Bigfoot Evidence
Posted Wednesday, February 07, 2024
By staff
If you're a Bigfoot enthusiast, you'll be excited to learn that The Paranorm Girl Podcast's latest season is dedicated to exploring the world of Sasquatch. The host, Kristen, admits that she's starting from scratch when it comes to this elusive creature, as she hasn't had the same level of exposure to Bigfoot as she has had with UFOs and aliens. However, she is eager to learn and share her findings with her audience.
Kristen mentions that one of the most compelling pieces of evidence pointing to Bigfoot's existence is the footprints. She references the book "Big Footprints" by the late Dr. Grover Krantz, who was a professor at Washington State University (WSU), which is just a 5-minute walk from her house. Unfortunately, when she reached out to WSU to inquire about their Bigfoot exhibit, she was met with confusion and skepticism. Nevertheless, Kristen is determined to learn more and has scheduled a visit to Idaho State University to see Dr. Jeffrey Meldrum's specimens.
In addition to footprints, Kristen plans to explore other forms of evidence, such as handprints, body prints, nesting sites, tree breakage, and even hair and poop samples. While some of this evidence may seem circumstantial, the sheer amount of it suggests that there may be a hidden animal out there leaving a trail of clues behind.
Kristen acknowledges the stigma associated with Bigfoot and plans to address it in a future episode. She also mentions that she has recently finished reading Dr. Krantz's book "Big Footprints" and will be sharing her thoughts on it with her audience.
Overall, it's exciting to see a newcomer to the Bigfoot world approach the subject with an open mind and a desire to learn. As Bigfoot believers, we're looking forward to seeing what Kristen discovers in her journey to uncover the truth about Sasquatch. Be sure to check out The Paranorm Girl Podcast's latest season and follow along as Kristen explores the world of Bigfoot.