Teen's Credible Bigfoot Sighting: Eyes, Color, and Mysterious Activity

Posted Tuesday, February 06, 2024

By Squatchable.com staff

A recent video posted on YouTube by the channel Sasquatch Theory has caught the attention of Bigfoot enthusiasts. In the video, the channel's host interviews a man who claims to have had multiple encounters with Bigfoot on his property in Pulaski County, Missouri. The interviewee describes seeing a Bigfoot laying on the side of the road when he was just 14 years old. He also tells of rocks being thrown at his Jeep and hearing strange noises, including what sounds like a woman's voice and a hyena-like laugh. The man believes that these occurrences are all connected to the presence of Bigfoot on his property. One particularly interesting detail the man shares is the appearance of a female Bigfoot. He describes it as having an oval-shaped face and being covered in brown hair, similar to a human. He also mentions seeing a juvenile Bigfoot with big, round eyes and a face covered in hair. The man's experiences are not unique. He mentions that his uncle had also seen a Bigfoot running down the side of the road years ago. This suggests that there may be a larger population of Bigfoot in the area. The video is definitely worth a watch for anyone interested in Bigfoot. The man's firsthand accounts and the evidence he presents, such as the rock thrown at his Jeep, add credibility to his story. It's always exciting to hear about new encounters and this one is no exception. Who knows, maybe this video will inspire you to go out and have your own Bigfoot encounter.