Skunk Ape Expert Details 40-Year Research and Encounters
Posted Monday, February 05, 2024
By staff
A recent video posted on the YouTube channel BIGFOOT! / William Jevning has caught the attention of the Bigfoot community. The video, titled "BIGFOOT! MONDAY REVIEW | Dave in Florida | Episode 33," features an interview with Dave Sheely, the founder of the Skunk Ape Headquarters in South Florida.
In the video, Sheely shares his personal experiences with the Skunk Ape, a cryptid believed to inhabit the Everglades and other parts of the southeastern United States. Sheely has had several encounters with the Skunk Ape throughout his life, including one at the age of 10 while growing up in the Big Cypress National Preserve. He has also captured footage of the creature, which has been shared on YouTube and various news channels.
During the interview, Sheely discusses the differences between the Skunk Ape and the more well-known Bigfoot. One of the main distinctions is that the Skunk Ape is often spotted in trees, while Bigfoot sightings typically occur on the ground. Additionally, the Skunk Ape is known to have a distinct, musky odor, which has earned it its name.
Sheely also shares his thoughts on the various television shows and research teams that have attempted to find and document Bigfoot. He expresses his skepticism towards reality television shows, but is open to working with more reputable organizations such as National Geographic.
As a Bigfoot believer and a curator for Squatchable, I am always excited to see new footage and hear personal accounts of encounters with these elusive creatures. The Skunk Ape is a fascinating and mysterious cryptid, and I encourage all Bigfoot enthusiasts to check out the full video on the BIGFOOT! / William Jevning YouTube channel.