Sophie and Dale's Sasquatch Quest: Pacific Northwest Expedition

Posted Saturday, February 03, 2024

By staff

Sophie and Dale, after their findings in Canada and Egypt, are now in the United States to gather information from renowned Sasquatch researchers. They plan to visit the Pacific Northwest, known for dense forests and rugged terrain, where most sightings occur. They also plan to consult with locals and indigenous communities for their stories and legends about Sasquatch. They have prepared essential equipment such as cameras, audio recorders, GPS devices, thermal imaging cameras, trail cameras, night vision goggles, and camping gear. Dale has been contacting researchers, posing as an academic researching shared mythology worldwide, with Sasquatch as the cornerstone of his paper. Meanwhile, Dr. Anderson is on a cargo ship, working as a cook, and sharing his Bigfoot research with the crew, who offer their own theories and stories.