Woman's Terrifying Encounter with a 10-Foot Bigfoot in California Forest
Posted Saturday, February 03, 2024
By Squatchable.com staff
A woman's unsettling encounter with a Sasquatch in the Shasta Trinity National Forest is the focus of a recent video from the YouTube channel Buckeye Bigfoot. The video, titled "The Sasquatch Was *TOO* Interested In Her - She Could SEE IT!", shares the story of a 30-year-old woman named "A" who grew up in the Midwest and has a deep love for the outdoors.
"A" spent several summers camping and hiking in the mountains with her father and uncles, where she learned to recognize the tracks and sounds of various animals. However, it wasn't until she was 23 and visiting her uncle in California that she had her first encounter with a Sasquatch.
While camping in the Shasta Trinity National Forest, "A" heard branches breaking and the forest going quiet, which she knew was a sign of a predator nearby. She grabbed her rifle and stood up, but didn't see anything. She then heard sniffing and saw a "hairy bear" through the window of her truck. However, as it got closer, she realized it was not a bear but a massive, upright Sasquatch with long arms and a face that towered above her truck.
"A" was terrified and couldn't move, but the Sasquatch continued to sniff and gently rock her truck as it tried to see inside. She eventually grabbed her handgun and held it under her blanket, but was too scared to shoot. After several minutes, the Sasquatch finally walked away and "A" was able to drive down the mountain.
The video has sparked a lot of discussion among Bigfoot enthusiasts, with some expressing skepticism and others sharing their own encounters with the mysterious creature. "A's" story is a reminder of the power and unpredictability of nature, and the importance of being prepared and aware of one's surroundings when camping and hiking in the wilderness.
If you're interested in learning more about "A's" encounter, be sure to check out the full video on Buckeye Bigfoot's YouTube channel. And, as always, if you have a Bigfoot encounter of your own, we encourage you to share it with us and the Bigfoot community.