Childhood Bigfoot Encounters on a Yelm Farm: Mullen's Chilling Story

Posted Friday, February 02, 2024

By staff

In a recent video from the YouTube channel "From The Shadows," host Shane Grove interviews Mike Mullen, an administrator of the popular Facebook group "Bigfoot Canada." During the interview, Mullen shares a fascinating childhood experience of living near a Bigfoot that terrorized his family and neighbors in the Bal Hills area of Washington state. According to Mullen, the Bigfoot would bang on their house, tear branches off trees, and scare their dogs. The creature even appeared to be milking a cow in one encounter. The family had St. Bernards, which were usually not afraid of wild animals, but they were terrified of this creature. Mullen's father eventually contacted a university, which sent a team to investigate and collect footprint casts and hair samples. However, the harassment from the Bigfoot continued for several months, causing the neighbors to band together and hunt it down with spotlights. They eventually caught sight of the creature and lit it up, but it never returned to the area again. What makes this story particularly intriguing is that the family and neighbors were not afraid to share their experiences with each other, indicating that Bigfoot sightings may be more commonplace than many people realize. If you're interested in hearing more about Mullen's story, be sure to check out the video on "From The Shadows" YouTube channel. It's a fascinating account that highlights the mysterious and often intimidating nature of Bigfoot encounters.