Hawaiian Rainforests: Home of the Ohana Mamu and Naow Cryptids

Posted Wednesday, January 31, 2024

By Squatchable.com staff

A new video has surfaced on YouTube that delves into the legend of Hawaii's Bigfoot, known as the Ohana Mamu. The video, posted by the channel Spookies, explores the possibility of an elusive race of hair-covered hominids inhabiting the lush, volcanic slopes of the Aloha State. According to local tradition, the Ohana Mamu are said to be a breed of 7-foot-tall, foul-smelling, reddish-brown-haired hominids that stalk the dense upland rainforests of Hawaii. They are known to be aggressive when threatened and are to be avoided at all costs. The origins of the Ohana Mamu are shrouded in mystery, with some speculating that they may represent a cultural memory of the Melanian, a reptilian-looking horned turtle as big as a Volkswagen Beetle that went extinct over 2,000 years ago. Others believe that they may be distant descendants of Homo erectus, known fossils of which have been found in Indonesia over a million years ago. Still, others contend that they may be isolated relic populations of Gigantopithecus, the largest ape to ever live, that stood over 10 feet tall and weighed 12,200 lb. Regardless of their origins, sporadic reports of large bipedal hair-covered beasts spotted deep in Hawaiian forests continue to surface to this day. The Puna District on Hawaii's Big Island is a particularly intriguing hotspot, with hunters describing disturbing encounters while tracking pigs. Eerie screams that no known animal could produce echo from the remote rainforest, accompanied by heavy crashes that recede into the primeval jungle. Attempts to track the perpetrators always fail, as the dense undergrowth hinders any chase. Researchers have documented over 55,000 acres of wild forest reserves inhabited by unseen creatures across five Hawaiian Islands. While the existence of the Ohana Mamu remains speculative, the possibility of an elusive band of unknown hominids still surviving in isolation is an intriguing one. The video also mentions a related cryptid called the Na'awi, described in Hawaiian myth as a living precursor to mankind, possessing extreme wilderness survival skills. Tales describe them hunting like feral predators to limit any competition, feared and respected like dangerous natural forces incarnate. I find this video to be a fascinating exploration into the Pacific primate lost in the mists of time. I encourage our readers to check out the video for themselves and form their own opinions on the existence of the Ohana Mamu. Until next time, stay spooky!