Squatch Watchers' Decade-Long Quest: New Bigfoot Sighting & Evidence
Posted Monday, January 29, 2024
By Squatchable.com staff
A new video posted on the YouTube channel Sasquatch Chronicles has caught the attention of the Bigfoot community. The video, titled "SC EP:828 The Squatch Watchers," features an interview with the members of the Squatch Watchers, a group of Bigfoot researchers based in North Carolina.
In the video, the Squatch Watchers share their experiences on a property where they have had numerous encounters with the elusive creature. David, one of the founders of the group, describes a sighting he had on the property. He was walking through the woods with a handheld night vision camera when he saw a large, dark figure standing on the side of the trail. David approached the figure and saw that it was a massive Bigfoot. He was able to get a clear view of the creature before it disappeared into the woods.
The Squatch Watchers have also found physical evidence of Bigfoot on the property, including tracks and broken tree branches. They have casted the tracks and recorded sounds that they believe are from the creature.
Tate, another member of the group, shares his first experience with Bigfoot on the property. He was out with the group one night when they heard rocks being thrown in the river. They shined their flashlights in the direction of the sounds and saw two large, glowing eyes staring back at them.
The Squatch Watchers are passionate about their research and are dedicated to finding definitive proof of the existence of Bigfoot. They encourage others to join them in their quest and to keep an open mind about the possibility of the creature's existence.
If you're interested in learning more about the Squatch Watchers and their research, be sure to check out their YouTube channel and website. And, as always, keep an eye out for Bigfoot sightings in your own area. You never know when you might have your own encounter with the elusive creature.