Bigfoot Encounters and Hominin Relic Populations: New Evidence Unveiled

Posted Sunday, January 28, 2024

By staff

A recent video posted on YouTube by the channel Flix For Free, titled "Sasquatch Among Wildmen (2020) | Documentary | Shane Corson | David Ellis | Lee Lustig," has caught the attention of the Bigfoot community. The video explores the persistent reports of wildmen, non-human wildmen, around the world, including Sasquatch, Yeti, Yeren, Almas, and Orang Pendek. Derek Rangles, co-founder of the Olympic Project, shares his personal encounter in 1963, where he heard an audio vocalization from a creature just 30 feet away. The video also delves into the evolution of human understanding of the pattern and process of human evolution, and how it relates to the reports of wildmen. The video highlights the discovery of footprints in the Himalayan Mountains, which bear finger-like appendages and measure 11 inches long and 5 inches wide, resembling an ape-like foot. The Russian Almas, described as robust, human-like creatures around 5-6 feet tall, covered in brown hair and walking in a bipedal manner, is also discussed. The video also explores the Chinese Yeren, also known as the Chinese Bigfoot, which has been reportedly seen over 120 times in Shennongjia Forest in Central China. The video features interviews with locals who claim to have seen the creature, describing it as an ape-like creature with facial features resembling a human and covered in long brownish hair. I encourage readers to watch the video and form their own opinions. The video is informative and provides a comprehensive overview of the reports of wildmen around the world. Whether you're a seasoned Bigfoot researcher or a curious newcomer, this video is definitely worth a watch. Excitement level: 7/10. The video features interesting guests discussing the topic of wildmen and the possibility of their existence. It's always exciting to hear different perspectives and insights on the subject.