Hiker's Detailed Encounter: Three Sasquatches Hidden Under Trees

Posted Sunday, January 28, 2024

By Squatchable.com staff

A new video has recently been brought to my attention, and I couldn't wait to share it with all of you. The video, posted on the YouTube channel Oregon Sasquatch Encounter, appears to show a group of Sasquatch relaxing in a natural shelter. As the videographer and his dog, Timber, are walking along a trail, they notice what appears to be a dark spot under a couple of fallen trees. Upon closer inspection, the videographer believes that he is seeing a Sasquatch, or multiple Sasquatch, huddled underneath the shelter. One of the Sasquatch in particular catches the videographer's eye, as it appears to be wearing a "cloak." He explains that this is an indication of a Sasquatch, as the vegetation behind it distorts with the creature's cloak. As the videographer continues to observe, he believes that he sees another Sasquatch off to the side, between two trees. He points out the dark spot where he believes the Sasquatch is hiding. The videographer also notes that the area seems to be a popular hangout spot for Sasquatch, as the vegetation and terrain are ideal for them. As a Bigfoot researcher and enthusiast, I find this video to be incredibly fascinating. The idea that multiple Sasquatch could be huddled together in a natural shelter is both intriguing and exciting. The videographer's observations about the "cloaked" Sasquatch and the distortion in the vegetation are also noteworthy. I highly encourage all of you to check out the video for yourselves and form your own opinions. I am always eager to see new footage and hear about new sightings. This video is definitely worth a watch. Excitement Level: 7 out of 10.