Virginia Gunsmith's UFO Encounter: Radiation Traces Found
Posted Saturday, January 27, 2024
By staff
A recent video posted on YouTube by the channel Hometown Haunts Series has caught the attention of the Bigfoot community. The video, titled "HH S1E3 - The Landing," explores the topic of UFOs and unexplained aerial phenomena, specifically focusing on an incident that occurred in Fishersville, Virginia in 1964.
According to the video, on December 21, 1964, a gunsmith named Horace Burns reported seeing a strange object flying over his vehicle while he was driving on route 250 towards Waynesboro. Burns described the object as a beehive-type structure, over 90 feet tall with strange ridges every 5 to 6 feet. He also noted that the object made no noise and had a strange glow about it.
Burns got out of his vehicle to investigate and approached the object, which had landed in a nearby field. After what he estimated to be a few minutes, the object made a whooshing sound and lifted into the air, disappearing in a northward direction. Burns returned to his vehicle, which was inexplicably in park, and went home to tell his wife about the encounter.
Burns was hesitant to report the incident, fearing it would compromise his credibility as a small business owner in the community. However, his wife convinced him to report it to the local TV and radio stations. The incident was picked up by Project Blue Book, a top-secret US government investigation series into alleged UFO sightings and whether or not they posed a national threat.
Project Blue Book sent one of their top investigators, Sergeant David Moody, to investigate the incident. Moody took three investigators with him and they met with Burns and Gman, a local UFO enthusiast, at the alleged landing site. They took radiation readings and noted higher levels than the surrounding area.
The video also mentions that there were other sightings in the Charlottesville area around the same time, and that local reporters were catching wind of the investigation. Moody was somewhat dismissive when questioned by reporters, but gave them basic answers about the investigation.
I find this video to be fascinating. The idea of unexplained aerial phenomena and the possibility of extraterrestrial life is always intriguing. While this incident does not directly involve Bigfoot, it is still an interesting topic to explore and discuss within the community. I encourage everyone to watch the video and draw their own conclusions.