Two Chilling Bigfoot Encounters and a Cautionary Message

Posted Saturday, January 27, 2024

By staff

A thrilling account of a close encounter with a Bigfoot has been shared on the YouTube channel My Bigfoot Sighting. In this episode, the channel's host recounts his first sighting, which occurred when he was just 15 years old and on a hunting trip with his father and brother in Cloudy, Oklahoma. The encounter took place early in the morning, as the host sat in a tree stand, waiting for his father and brother to circle around a nearby mountain and hopefully drive some game towards him. As he sat quietly, he heard something digging behind him, which he initially thought was a possum or squirrel. However, as the sun began to rise, he realized that the sound was coming from something much larger and more mysterious. The creature approached the tree stand, and the host had the opportunity to observe it closely. He described it as having a flat nose, reddish-brown hair, and a cone-shaped head, with no white in its eyes. The Bigfoot looked up at the host with a curious expression, before eventually snorting and walking away. The host was left shaken by the encounter, and it wasn't until many years later that he began to research and investigate Bigfoot sightings more seriously. He eventually joined a research group and started looking for evidence of Bigfoot in his local area. One evening, while watching his granddaughter play outside, he saw something strange at the edge of his property. He grabbed his granddaughter and went inside, where he began to research the possibility of Bigfoot being in the area. He learned that there had been several sightings in the region, and that the creatures were often seen near water sources and in wooded areas. The host's