Barnaby Jones Discusses Cryptozoology: Bigfoot, Dogman, and More

Posted Friday, January 26, 2024

By staff

If you're a fan of all things paranormal and cryptozoology, then you're in for a treat. A recent YouTube video from Grounded Guidance features an interview with Barnaby Jones, a cryptozoologist and paranormal researcher who is the founder and lead investigator for Crypto Anomalies in the Paranormal Society (CAPS) based in Wisconsin. Barnaby defines cryptozoology as the study of hidden animals, ranging from creatures that were once thought to exist, like the okapi and platypus, to those that are considered legends and lore, such as Bigfoot, lake monsters, and Mothman. During the interview, Barnaby discusses his work with CAPS and his research on various cryptids, including Bigfoot. He explains that while Bigfoot is often associated with the Pacific Northwest, sightings have been reported in all 49 states, excluding Hawaii. In addition to Bigfoot, Barnaby has also researched other cryptids, such as the Dogman or Beast of Bray Road in Wisconsin, Mothman in Wisconsin, and various lake monsters in the state. When asked about the stature of the Dogman, Barnaby describes three different types of creatures that have been reported. The most prominent type is the werewolf-like creature, which has been seen in Michigan and Wisconsin. The second type is a hyena-like creature with a more hunched back and pushed-forward head. The third type is the Anubis-type creature, which has a long protruding black face and straight spike ears, and is often reported in bedrooms. I am always excited to come across new content that explores the world of Bigfoot and other cryptids. The interview with Barnaby Jones is particularly interesting because of his extensive knowledge and research on various cryptids. I encourage all of our readers to check out the video and learn more about Barnaby's work with CAPS. Who knows, it may even inspire you to start your own cryptozoology research!