Arizona Sasquatch Encounters: A Heartfelt Bond & A Mysterious Illinois Bigfoot Encounter

Posted Wednesday, January 24, 2024

By staff

In a video recently brought to my attention, a YouTube channel by the name of Cryptids Canada shares two compelling stories that are sure to pique the interest of any Bigfoot enthusiast. The first account comes from an individual who has had interactions with the Sasquatch people for over 50 years, primarily in the state of Arizona. The witness describes feeling the presence of these elusive beings through an energy that gives them a tingling sensation on the back of their neck. After some time, they began to notice pebbles being thrown at the back of their trailer, which was situated in an open desert area with no obvious source for the stones. It was then that they realized they were in the presence of a Sasquatch family, consisting of a mother and her four male offspring. The most fascinating encounter occurred one night when the witness observed the mother Sasquatch in the moonlit scrub area behind their trailer. The creature was moving quickly, reaching out as if to grab something and then dropping her arms, only to repeat the process in different spots. Upon closer inspection, the witness realized that she was playing with her youngest child, allowing him to bounce around and avoid her grasp. During this playful interaction, the witness chuckled, causing the mother Sasquatch to look in their direction and communicate telepathically, asking if they thought they could do better at keeping up with her energetic offspring. This remarkable exchange led to a discussion about the ways in which Sasquatch teach their children, with the mother explaining that they learn by example, through observing their elders engaging in various activities such as hunting, digging for water, and identifying medicinal plants. The witness cherished these interactions and the knowledge they gained from their Sasquatch friend, who passed away in 2014. The heartfelt story is a touching tribute to the bond formed between humans and these mysterious creatures. The second account, shared by an individual from Illinois, recounts a memorable encounter while riding their donkey, Darling, along a trail that runs along the border of a state park. Darling, usually calm and cooperative, began to act strangely, throwing her ears forward as if trying to hear something. The witness stopped and dismounted, but saw nothing unusual. However, as they continued riding, Darling became increasingly agitated. Upon hearing a noise behind them, the witness turned to see a large, dark figure emerge from behind a tree. Standing at least 8 feet tall, the creature appeared to be a Bigfoot, with a reddish-brown coat and hair approximately 3-4 inches long. The witness and Darling cautiously continued their ride, with the Bigfoot following them from a distance. As they approached a creek, the witness gave Darling a gentle kick to encourage her to cross the water. To their surprise, Darling picked up speed, eventually splashing through the creek and leaving the Bigfoot behind. The witness expresses gratitude towards the creature for unintentionally helping them train Darling to cross creeks without hesitation. Both of these stories, shared on the Cryptids Canada YouTube channel, offer captivating insights into the world of Sasquatch and their interactions with humans. If you're interested in learning more, I encourage you to watch the video and explore the channel for additional intriguing stories.