Retired Veteran's Chilling Sasquatch Encounters in Alaskan Wilderness

Posted Wednesday, January 24, 2024

By staff

A thrilling account of a close encounter with a Sasquatch has been shared on the YouTube channel, Linda Eastburn. The witness, Joe Morris, is a retired TSA agent with a background in military and security. His interest in Bigfoot was sparked during his time working at a lodge in McCarthy, Alaska. While driving down an old logging trail, Joe and his friend spotted something unusual. Joe saw a head glide by and immediately knew it was a Sasquatch. He pulled over, grabbed his AR-15, and approached the area where he saw the creature. To his surprise, the Sasquatch was only 60 yards away. Joe described the Sasquatch as 6 and 1/2 ft tall, with dark brown hair and a narrow waist like a human. The creature had yellow or golden eyes instead of the typical white human eyes. It took off running at an absurd speed, jumping over downed trees with ease. Since then, Joe has had several other encounters with Sasquatch. He saw a giant stump on the same trail he walks every day, which seemed impossible to have grown there. One day, the stump disappeared, and Joe saw a large squatch in its place. Another time, Joe was out fishing in the Copper River Basin when he heard strange whoops and tree knocks. Later that year, he took his girlfriend to the same spot, and they heard the same sounds, but this time, they heard the creatures talking back and forth. The most terrifying encounter occurred when Joe was camping in the same area. He heard Ravens hollering, owls making different sounds, coyotes yelling, and a woman being tortured. Suddenly, he heard a deep demonic laugh that echoed through the forest. Despite the scary encounter, Joe chuckled along with the creatures because it was so absurd. I encourage our readers to watch the full video and hear Joe's account in his own words. It's always exciting to hear first-hand accounts of Sasquatch encounters, and Joe's story is no exception.