Hawaiian Resident's Encounter with Mysterious 'Mini Hoon People' and Orbs

Posted Tuesday, January 23, 2024

By Squatchable.com staff

A fascinating account of an encounter with the Menehune, Hawaii's little people, has recently surfaced on YouTube. The witness, a Hawaiian local, shared his story with RenaissanceMan, a YouTube channel that explores the unknown and the paranormal. The witness and his wife had a terrifying experience while camping in the mountains of Hawaii, where they were chased by what they believe to be Menehune. According to the witness, they were partying and camping when his wife went for a walk. Suddenly, she started running back to him, crying and scared. She claimed that she was being followed and surrounded by small, rock-throwing beings. The witness could see orbs during this time, which he believes to be the Menehune. The witness also shared another encounter where he found three piles of scat with pig hair around his tent. He mentioned that wild dogs wouldn't come that close to humans, leading him to believe that the scat was from the Menehune. His wife also had a sighting of a 3.5-foot tall being with long hair in their garage, which further supports the existence of these little people. The witness's take on the Menehune is that they are little people with extra gifts and powers, possibly from the Dark Side. He also mentioned the hollow Earth theory, suggesting that these creatures come out during the witching hour. As a Bigfoot believer and a curator for Squatchable, I find this account intriguing and worth sharing with our community. The witness's story provides a different perspective on the little people of Hawaii and their possible existence. I encourage our readers to watch the full video and share their thoughts on the encounter. In the world of the paranormal, encounters with little people like the Menehune are not uncommon. These beings have been reported in various cultures and locations, adding to the mystery and allure of the unknown. As we continue to explore and document these encounters, we deepen our understanding of the world beyond our own. So, keep your eyes open and your cameras ready, my fellow Squatchable community. You never know when you might encounter something extraordinary.