Bigfoot Hunt in Pennsylvania's Simon Buelot State Park: No Signs Found
Posted Tuesday, January 23, 2024
By staff
A recent video posted on YouTube by the channel Kryptozoology has caught the attention of Bigfoot enthusiasts and researchers. The video, titled "Sasquatch Highway," takes viewers on a journey through Simon Beltz State Park in North Central Pennsylvania, which is part of the Moshannon State Park and State Forest system.
The videographer explores the area near I-80, which runs close to the highest point of elevation east of the Mississippi River. The location is significant because there have been multiple highway sightings and local reports of Bigfoot in the area.
As the videographer navigates the trails, he notes the challenges of winter weather and the potential for snow to reveal any tracks left behind by the elusive creature. He also discusses the possibility of Bigfoot crossing the highway and disappearing into the tree line, which is only a few feet away.
One interesting observation made in the video is the similarity between Bigfoot sightings and cross-country skiers. The videographer wonders if snowshoes might be a better option for tracking the creature, as they would allow for greater mobility in the deep snow.
Throughout the video, the videographer emphasizes the importance of being aware of one's surroundings and keeping an eye out for any signs of Bigfoot. He encourages viewers to watch the video and make their own observations, as there may be something that he missed.
Overall, the "Sasquatch Highway" video is an intriguing addition to the world of Bigfoot research. The location and local reports make it a promising area for future investigations, and the videographer's observations and insights add to the ongoing conversation about the existence and behavior of Bigfoot.