Sasquatch Encounter: Witness Shares Okanagan Tribe's Perspective

Posted Saturday, January 20, 2024

By staff

A thrilling account of a Sasquatch encounter has been shared on the YouTube channel BIGFOOT! / William Jevning. The video, titled "BIGFOOT! AMERICA'S CREEK DEVIL | Bigfoot and Chris | Episode 258," features an interview with Chris, a rock and roller turned prairie boy who had a chilling experience with the elusive creature. Chris, who now resides in the Okanagan region of British Columbia, shares his tribe's perspective on Sasquatch. According to Okanagan traditions, Sasquatch is seen as another creation from the Creator, not entirely different from a moose or a bear. Chris recounts a legend about coyote, who confounded Sasquatch's language and turned him into a bully who stole people's food. The Okanagan tribes used to trade with Sasquatch after this incident, but it was not a frequent occurrence. During a canoe trip in 1996 or 1997, Chris and his family member had a close encounter with a Sasquatch. They were on a river, looking for white tail, when they stumbled upon a herd of elk. They decided to set up camp and wait until Monday, which was the opening day for Elk hunting. They saw moose tracks and a lot of deer sign, but what caught their attention was the fresh elk tracks. Excited by the prospect of finding the elk herd, they set up camp quickly and went for a walk. As they were walking, they heard a loud, demonic sound that sent chills down their spines. They turned around and saw a pitch-black figure, silhouetted against the trees. It was hulking and about 5 1/2 feet wide and 13 to 14 feet tall. Chris recalls that the only thought that ran through his mind was that he didn't have a big enough gun. This encounter is a chilling reminder of the existence of Sasquatch. The creature's size and the demonic sound it made are consistent with other accounts of Sasquatch encounters. Chris's story is a valuable addition to the body of evidence supporting the existence of Sasquatch. If you're a Bigfoot enthusiast, this video is a must-watch. It provides a unique perspective on Sasquatch from the Okanagan tribes and a first-hand account of a chilling encounter with the elusive creature. Head over to BIGFOOT! / William Jevning's YouTube channel and check it out.