Teen's Repeated Bigfoot Encounters at West Virginia Cabin
Posted Saturday, January 20, 2024
By Squatchable.com staff
A fascinating account of a close encounter with Sasquatch has been shared on the Bigfoot Society YouTube channel. The witness, who prefers to remain anonymous, describes their experiences growing up visiting their family's cabin in West Virginia.
At the age of 13, the witness and their uncle began to notice strange occurrences around the cabin. During a camping trip, they heard something pacing around their campsite. Despite trying to wake their uncle, they received no response and the pacing continued for some time before eventually stopping. The next morning, they discovered a large, deep footprint near their campsite.
The following summer, the activity around the cabin became even more intense. One night, while cooking over an open fire, they heard rocks being thrown at the cabin's tin roof. The rocks gradually got larger and louder, until a massive rock the size of a basketball came crashing down in front of them.
That night, the witness heard loud footsteps and deep, unfamiliar breathing outside their window. They could tell that the creature was on two feet and could hear it climbing the steps to the cabin's deck. The witness was understandably frightened, but tried to remain calm and listen to the creature's movements.
This account is a captivating example of the type of firsthand experiences that are shared on the Bigfoot Society channel. It's always exciting to hear about new encounters and the witness's detailed descriptions of the events make for a thrilling listen. If you're interested in learning more about this encounter, be sure to check out the full video on the Bigfoot Society YouTube channel.