Legendary Olympic Valley Holds Secrets of Supernatural Figure Seatco

Posted Saturday, January 20, 2024

By Squatchable.com staff

In a chilling episode of Creek Devil, host William Jevning shares a haunting tale of the Valley of Peace in the Olympic Mountains, as told in Ella E. Clark's Indian Legends of the Pacific Northwest. The story revolves around Seatco, a vengeful and powerful spirit who brings destruction to the peaceful gatherings of the neighboring tribes. According to the legend, the Valley of Peace was once a sacred place where all Indian nations, even those at war, would meet annually for trade, contests, and peaceful interactions. However, Seatco, the chief of all evil spirits, grew angry and decided to wreak havoc on the unsuspecting tribes. Seatco, described as a giant taller than the tallest fir trees, with a voice louder than the roar of the ocean and a face more terrible than the fiercest wild beast, brought about earthquakes and swallowed people whole. The terrified tribes fled and never returned to the valley, marking the end of the once-celebrated gatherings. William Jevning, a two-time witness and field researcher with over 40 years of experience, narrates this chilling tale with a sense of urgency and respect for the source material. The episode is a captivating listen, leaving the audience with a sense of awe and wonder at the power and mystery of the legends passed down through generations. For those interested in learning more about this fascinating story, be sure to check out the full episode on the BIGFOOT! / William Jevning YouTube channel. And, as always, if you or someone you know has had an encounter with these mysterious creatures, please reach out to William Jevning at his email address, which is provided in the video description. Happy listening, and remember to keep your eyes open and your senses sharp as you explore the world of Bigfoot and the unknown!