Family's Chilling Bigfoot Encounters and Audio Evidence Revealed

Posted Saturday, January 20, 2024

By staff

A thrilling account of a close encounter with the elusive Sasquatch has recently emerged on the YouTube channel Squatch America. The video, titled "Unearthed Mysteries: 5 Year Anniversary Replay of our Epic Bigfoot Report and Investigation!", features an interview with a witness who claims to have had not one, but two extraordinary encounters with the creature in a remote location. The witness, who was out berry picking with their family, describes hearing a loud, throaty noise that they initially thought was a bear. However, when the noise was repeated, this time even louder, the witness realized that it was not a bear, but something much more mysterious. The family's dogs began to bark frantically, and the witness's daughter reported hearing something slide in the bushes nearby. The witness describes seeing something fly through the air, which they believe was a chunk of wood thrown by the Sasquatch. Despite the unsettling encounter, the witness returned to the same location just seven days later, this time with night vision equipment. The witness and their family conducted a night investigation, during which they heard a series of rapid-fire wood knocks. The witness describes the sound as "four or five wood knocks just bang bang bang bang bang," and notes that the deer they had been observing seemed to focus on the source of the sound rather than on them. The witness and their family stayed in the area for several hours, continuing to knock on trees and make whooping sounds. While they did not receive any responses, they did leave an audio recorder out overnight. The recorder captured a strange, unexplained sound that caused the hair on the back of the witness's neck to stand up. The Sasquatch America team conducted their own investigation of the location, and were able to capture footage of a deer with glowing eyes in the darkness. While they did not see or hear any signs of the Sasquatch during their investigation, they did note that the location was remote and difficult to access, making it an ideal habitat for the elusive creature. I am always excited to see new evidence and accounts of Sasquatch sightings. This video is particularly intriguing due to the witness's detailed description of their encounters, and the fact that they were able to capture audio evidence of something unusual in the area. While we cannot say for certain that the witness encountered a Sasquatch, the evidence presented in the video is certainly compelling. If you're interested in learning more about this encounter, be sure to check out the full video on the Squatch America YouTube channel. And as always, if you have your own Sasquatch sighting or encounter to report, we encourage you to share it with the Squatchable community.