Mississippi Hunter's Shocking Bigfoot Encounter: A Firsthand Account
Posted Saturday, January 20, 2024
By Squatchable.com staff
A thrilling account of a close encounter with a sasquatch has been shared on the YouTube channel, Sasquatch Chronicles. The witness, Mike from Mississippi, has been hunting his whole life but had never seen or heard anything that he couldn't explain, until now.
During a hunting trip in December 2020, Mike had a remarkable encounter with two sasquatches while hunting on a power line behind a food plot in a wildlife management area. Mike, an avid steel hunter, had never put cameras out before, but after this experience, he has become more interested in researching the subject.
The first sasquatch Mike heard was coming in the woods behind him, making heavy, labored breathing noises. Mike couldn't see anything because of the gallberry bushes and briars, but he could hear the creature moving around for about 20-25 minutes before it sat down 50 yards away from him.
After another 10 minutes of silence, something black appeared on the power lines about 125-130 yards away. Through his scope, Mike saw what looked like a black bear standing on all fours. However, as he looked closer, he noticed that the right side of its face didn't have any hair, and the creature sat on its butt like a human being, with its arms laid out on the side and feet on the ground.
Mike was shocked and couldn't believe what he was seeing. The creature's back had human hair but long, and he could see its skin through it. The sasquatch's skin was a dark brown color, and it didn't have a pelt-like texture.
The encounter left Mike feeling excited and curious about the existence of sasquatches. He has since done his research and found that there are many accounts of sasquatches in the south, where he lives.
If you're interested in hearing more about Mike's encounter, you can check out the full video on Sasquatch Chronicles' YouTube channel. It's an exciting and fascinating account that you won't want to miss!