Brothers' Shocking Encounter: Upright Creature in Texas Red River
Posted Saturday, January 20, 2024
By staff
A thrilling encounter with a sasquatch was reported on the YouTube channel Sasquatch Chronicles, where a man, referred to as TJ, shared his experience from the fall of 1979, while hunting with his older brother in North Texas. The video, titled "SC EP:766 Encounter In North Texas," provides a detailed account of TJ's encounter with a sasquatch, which left him in awe and shock.
TJ and his brother were hunting down the Red River, in the river bottoms, when they stumbled upon a sasquatch. TJ had settled down on a game trail, looking back northwest, when he noticed something across the horseshoe on the slow side. At first, he thought it was a skunk, but soon realized that it was something much bigger and more mysterious.
As TJ observed the creature, he saw its eyes, nose, chin, shoulders, and arms. The sasquatch was grabbing leaves off a sweetgum tree and eating them. TJ was shocked and amazed by what he was witnessing. The sasquatch then stood up, and TJ could see its waist and legs. He was in disbelief, as he had never seen anything move like that before.
The sasquatch then started making noises that sounded like a language, and TJ could hear it chuntering away back and forth. The creature was at least six feet nine inches tall, and TJ was certain that it was not a human.
The encounter left TJ in shock, and he was grateful to have made it out alive. He was fortunate enough to have witnessed such a rare and mysterious creature, and he was excited to share his experience with the world.
The Sasquatch Chronicles YouTube channel is a great resource for anyone interested in sasquatch encounters and sightings. The channel features interviews with people who have had their own personal encounters with sasquatches, and provides a platform for them to share their stories with the world.
If you're a Bigfoot enthusiast, or simply interested in learning more about these mysterious creatures, be sure to check out the Sasquatch Chronicles YouTube channel. Who knows, you might just hear about a new encounter that will leave you in awe and wonder.