New Paranormal Entity Encountered at Mount Wilson Ranch: A Firsthand Account

Posted Saturday, January 20, 2024

By staff

A recent video posted on YouTube by Carl the Crusher has caught the attention of the Bigfoot community. In the video, Carl investigates reports of paranormal activity at Mount Wilson Ranch, where Bob Bigelow and the original NIDS team, including Jacques Vallee, stayed and conducted experiments before purchasing Skinwalker Ranch. According to the video, there have been sightings of orbs and shadow figures, as well as power anomalies and strange sounds on the property. One visitor even captured a photo of a mysterious entity in the trees while trying to take pictures of a deer family. Carl also mentions that the owner of the property, Jeff, received reports of a ball of light and possible shadow figure moving around. Carl plans to speak with Jeff to get more details and continue the investigation. As a Bigfoot believer and researcher, I find these reports intriguing. The connection between the paranormal and Bigfoot has long been a topic of discussion in the community. Could it be possible that these entities are related? The fact that Bob Bigelow and the NIDS team conducted experiments at Mount Wilson Ranch before purchasing Skinwalker Ranch adds another layer of mystery to the situation. What were they looking for? What did they find? I encourage all Bigfoot enthusiasts to watch the video and share their thoughts. Could this be a new hotspot for paranormal and Bigfoot activity? Only time will tell. As a side note, I find it fascinating that the visitor who captured the photo of the entity was trying to take pictures of a deer family. Could this be a common pattern with Bigfoot sightings, as well? Many witnesses report seeing Bigfoot near deer or other wildlife. Overall, I am excited to see where this investigation leads and what further evidence may be uncovered. I am always open to new and intriguing reports and will continue to follow this story closely.