Bigfoot Expedition in Area X: Mysterious Sounds Heard

Posted Saturday, January 20, 2024

By staff

Bigfoot researchers and enthusiasts alike are always on the lookout for new and exciting evidence of the elusive creature's existence. A recent video posted on YouTube by the channel BRADFORD PA BIGFOOT RESEARCH has caught the attention of many in the Bigfoot community. In the video, titled "BIGFOOT EXPEDITION 91 NEAR BRADFORD CITY PA AREAX," the researchers head out to an area they call "Area X" near Bradford, Pennsylvania. The team is trying to see if there is any Squatch activity in the area by making various sounds and seeing if they get any responses. Throughout the video, the researchers use a parabolic dish to listen for any sounds that may indicate the presence of a Bigfoot. They also use a device to play various calls, including those of an orangutan, a fisher cat, and even aliens. At one point, the team hears what they believe to be a Bigfoot response to one of their calls. They also hear what sounds like something being thrown in the distance. However, the team is unable to definitively confirm that the sounds were made by a Bigfoot. Towards the end of the video, the researchers discuss the lack of deer in the area and how this may be impacting Bigfoot activity. They also mention the extreme temperature fluctuations that have been occurring in the area. While the video doesn't provide definitive proof of Bigfoot's existence, it's always exciting to see researchers actively out in the field, trying to gather evidence of the elusive creature. If you're interested in checking out the video for yourself, you can find it on the BRADFORD PA BIGFOOT RESEARCH YouTube channel.